Wellbeing at Work
Workplace Wellbeing Workshop
1-Hour Version
Welcome and brief overview of workplace wellbeing
Importance of self-care and stress management
​Short discussion
Rather than have a ready made workshop well-being is an intuitive process and would be tailored to meet the specific needs of the group. There are a number of practices we can incorporate.
Including but not limited to:
dynamic movement
talking exercises
breathing exercises
The idea of an initial workshop is to inform and lay out possible ways to move forward. Regular sessions could be incorporated by myself, other teachers, or even taken on by the staff themselves.
Attendee count dependent (charity and non-profit at discounted rates).
Budget £20/attendee/hour as benchmark.
ie. 1 hour workshop, 20 attendees £400
The reason I charge less for a well-being workshop than a communication or A.I workshop is the amount of work it takes me off site to prepare varies widely. A well-being workshop is more intuitive and 'off the cuff' for me, and an A.I workshop is much more preparation. With a communication workshop being somewhere in between.