A.I in your business
"The 4th industrial revolution is well under way"
"Maybe your business isn't using A.I yet, but your staff probably are"
Workshop in brief
Offerings -
Artificial Intelligence 101 (1 hour)
Staff focused
Breaking down barriers to usage (from pre-survey)
Providing the FRAME for best practices
Hands on walk-through with attendees providing results each step
Primary learning outcome: “AI will be useful for my job and I should embrace it”
AI Deployment workshop (1 hour)
Team and leadership focused
How to start applying AI for efficiencies
Discussion of privacy and safety
Providing a deployment framework and workflows
Hands on walkthrough (group) to select best tasks for automation
Levels of AI deployment and strategic next steps for organisation
Primary learning outcome : “We know what tasks we should AI with, which not to, and how to tell the difference. The next steps are clear”
Combined workshop
1-3 hours depending on level of hands on exercises and size of group, with break
Half day workshop to move from tactical to strategic use of AI
Not a dry presentation. My workshops are 1/2 - 2/3 hands on exercises. Using AI is a skill, the theory is not practically helpful.
In-person workshops are ideal for this reason as it allows better facilitation
Cabaret, small table seating ideal
Online facilitation possible
Attendee count, level of customisation and industry dependent (charity and non-profit at discounted rates).
Budget £50/attendee/hour as benchmark.
ie. 1 hour workshop, 20 attendees £1000.
The reason I charge less for a well-being workshop than a communication or A.I workshop is the amount of work it takes me off site to prepare varies widely. A well-being workshop is more intuitive and 'off the cuff' for me, and an A.I workshop is much more preparation. With a communication workshop being somewhere in between.